Planting & Landscaping
As a luxury landscape design firm, we are not only capable of designing your dream landscape, but our well-trained staff are prepared for installation. Our goal is for you to feel like the moment you step out into your backyard, you have just entered a resort like destination. Creating your own personalized sanctuary, we can install a wide variety of exotic plant material that will catch the attention of your family and friends. Conversely if your ideal is much less exciting, your outdoor space can be tailored to a quieter feel. Rather than a tropical island, we can embody the peace and quiet of a deep forest reserve where it is just you and nature. No matter the aesthetic you choose, we will take it to the absolute maximum. An immersive experience should transport you from a residential Toronto home, to a backyard oasis.
Every quality landscape requires the installation of properly planned plant material, and we would not be diligent designers if we didn’t offer the creative freedom to choose from many different species and varieties. Whether you desire the comfort of privacy, or bright colors to catch the attention of visitors, planting will be necessary to create a wonderful space. This is a space that you should feel comfortable entertaining guests within, so you can expect every plant installation to be perfectly performed. Nothing will be out of place when you bring your visitors into the sacred sanctum that is now your outdoor space.
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